
Thursday, October 6, 2016

DCIS Connect Newsletter Oct. 6-12

Weekly Newsletter for Parents, Staff and Students
October 6-12, 2016

(Leer en Español usar el traductor de Google aquí.)
Every Thursday, you'll receive this DCIS Connect newsletter in your email inbox to keep you up to date on all the events and happenings at our school. It's also available on the DCIS Connect app, which you can download at the Apple Store or Google Play.

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Newsletter submissions are due by 10 am on the Tuesday preceding the issue date. Email submissions to


  • OPEN HOUSE FOR PROSPECTIVE FAMILIES: Thursday, Oct. 6, 7:30–9 am, DCIS
  • PTSA BEAUTIFICATION TEAM TOUR and Hallway Decor Planning, Friday, Oct. 7 and Wednesday, Oct. 12, 7:45 am; meet just inside the doors off the East parking lot to help us with ideas to transform the school hallways from "meh" to "WOW!!"
  • GIRLS SOFTBALL at Henry Middle School, Friday, Oct. 7, 3:45–4:45 pm, 3005 S. Golden Way, Denver (map
  • BOYS SOCCER vs. Morey, Friday, Oct. 7, 3:45–4:45 pm, Congress Park, Denver (map)
  • MODEL UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE: Saturday, Oct. 8, Boulder
  • ADOLESCO YOUTH EXCHANGE MEETING: Sunday, Oct. 9, 2–4 pm; applications due Oct. 23. More info here.
  • CROSS-COUNTRY CHAMPIONSHIPS, Tuesday, Oct. 11, 4–5 pm, Harvard Gulch (map)
  • FAMILY NIGHT: "College 101," Tuesday, Oct. 11, 5:30–6, dinner/socializing; 6–7, presentation and Q&A, DCIS Cafeteria; simultaneous interpretation provided
  • PTSA BEAUTIFICATION TEAM TOUR and Hallway Decor Planning, Tuesday, Oct. 11, 7 pm (following the Family Night presentation). Meet in the cafeteria to help us with ideas to transform the school hallways from "meh" to "WOW!!"
  • TRAVEL CENTER CLOSED: Wednesday, Oct. 12. See below for modified hours this week.
  • PARENT MEETING FOR ITALY TRIP (Spring Break 2017), Wednesday, Oct. 12, 6-7 pm, DCIS Community Room (103). Email Mr. Tabano for more information.


  • PTSA FUNDRAISING AND EVENTS team meeting, Thursday, Oct. 13, 6-7 pm, DCIS Community Room (103)
  • YEARBOOK COVER DESIGN CONTEST deadline, Friday, Oct. 14. Submit to Ms. Hoffman (room 216A) by the end of the day
  • NATIONAL HONOR SOCIETY applications due (grades 10-12), Monday, Oct. 17. Contact Mr. Brown or Mr. Pomponio with questions.
  • OPEN HOUSES FOR PROSPECTIVE FAMILIES: Monday, Oct. 17, and Tuesday, Nov. 1, 7:30-9 am, DCIS
  • PSAT/NMSQT: Wednesday, Oct. 19, 8-noon, DCIS gym
  • CSC MEETING: Thursday, Oct. 20, 4:30-6:30 pm, DCIS Library
  • DEBATE TOURNAMENT, Saturday, Oct. 22, Manual High School, 1700 E. 28th Ave., Denver (map)
  • SHADOWING FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS on the following Mondays: Oct. 24, Nov. 7, Nov. 14, Dec. 5.
  • 8th GRADE TRIP: DENVER MUSEUM OF NATURE & SCIENCE, Tuesday, Oct. 25, 9:30 am-2 pm
  • LOCAL COLLEGE APPLICATION DAY, Tuesday, Oct. 25, periods 1 and 2
  • DCIS DATA NIGHT, Tuesday, Oct. 25, 6–7 pm, DCIS Auditorium
  • SUPERINTENDENT PARENT FORUM: A Foundation for Success — Early Literacy and Bond/Mill Discussion, Wednesday, Oct. 26, 10 am–noon, Crowne Plaza Denver Airport Convention Center, 15500 E. 40th Ave., Denver (map)
  • NATIONAL SECURITY LANGUAGE INTENSIVE FOR YOUTH applications due Oct. 27. More information here.
  • MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCE AND HAUNTED HOUSE: Thursday, Oct. 27, 6–8 pm, Cafeteria
  • NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS: Friday, Oct. 28
  • GREEN DAY, Monday, Oct. 31 (instead of usual White Day; rest of week follows the usual schedule)
  • CLUB EXPO for students, Monday, Oct. 31, 8–9:20 am, Cafeteria
  • PICTURE RETAKES, Tuesday, Nov. 1
  • PARENT-PRINCIPAL COFFEE (English), Wednesday, Nov. 2, 8:15–9:15 am, DCIS Community Room (103)
  • 8th GRADE CAREER FAIR, Wednesday, Nov. 2
  • DCIS FOUNDATION FALL FUNDRAISER featuring award-winning author Helen Thorpe. Wednesday, Nov. 2, 6 pm, Four Mile Historic Park. More information here.
  • PARENT-PRINCIPAL COFFEE (Spanish), Thursday, Nov. 3, 8:15–9:15 am, DCIS Community Room (103)


Dear DCIS Parents,

Thank you to the parents who attended the Parent/Principal coffees this week. I will host these meetings once a month and would love to hear what you have to say. There are lots of ways for parents to get involved at DCIS, including a couple of upcoming opportunities I would like to highlight.

One is next Tuesday's DCIS Family Night, "College 101," during which parents and students will learn about the ins and outs of what college is, what kind of college might be right for your student, what to expect in college and lots more. It's never too early to learn about and plan for college, so both middle school and high school parents and students are encouraged to attend.

Another opportunity is DCIS Data Night on Oct. 25. While maybe not as fun as date night, it'll give you an opportunity to learn more about our school, particularly in the context of the School Performance Framework (SPF). The SPF is our school's official rating, which DPS will release during the third week of October. The rating is based on various data such as PARCC, ACT, PSAT and AP exam scores, and Parent Satisfaction Survey and Student Perception Survey results. We'll talk about each of these components as well as the SPF rating, share celebrations and areas for growth, and allow time for any questions you might have. I hope you'll attend this important and informative event.

It's hard to believe we're nearly halfway through the first semester! Ask your sixth grader about their independent reading book, or your seventh grader about carrying water back and forth across the field to simulate the experiences of the characters in A Long Walk to Water. Ask your eighth grader about the public service announcements they created to align with the Universal Declaration on Human Rights. Ask your ninth grader to sing you the "Five Themes of Geography" song, or your tenth grader to define "happiness" for you. Ask your eleventh grader about credible sources on the internet, or your twelfth grader about their senior service project.

As always, thank you for sending your students to DCIS. They make each day a joy.

Theresa McCorquodale
DCIS Principal



Know any parents or students who might be interested in DCIS for the 2017–18 school year? Please let them know about our Open Houses and shadowing opportunities.

The next Open House is today, Oct. 6, 7:30–9:00 am. Others will be at the same time on Monday, Oct. 17, and Tuesday, Nov. 1. Two evening Open Houses will also be held on Nov. 15 and Jan. 18, 6–7:30 pm. 
Check out this page for details on the morning and evening agendas.

In addition to open houses, the DCIS Student Ambassadors are launching a shadowing program this fall to provide prospective students with a glimpse of a typical day at DCIS. Middle and high school students considering DCIS will have the opportunity to shadow a current DCIS student, giving them an inside look at all our school has to offer. A limited number of shadowing spots are available on selected Mondays between October and December: Oct. 10, Oct. 24, Nov. 7, Nov. 14 and Dec. 5. Click here for more information and a link to register.  

SPORTS ...                                   


Head Coach Mike Brookhart and the Cowboys coaching staff invite all prospective players to their fall season workouts. More information here, or call/text Coach Brookhart at 303-589-6046.


The soccer program is selling T-shirts and hoodies with the DCIS Soccer logo on them. Funds will be used to purchase equipment, fix the field and fund other soccer-related needs. T-shirts, $20; hoodies, $40. Order here.       


There are many ways for parents to "raise their hand" to make a difference at DCIS. As the saying goes, "It takes a village." Whether you have time, a little money, a lot of money or particular skills to offer, it all helps. The more people who raise their hands, the more your children benefit. Here's how you can make a difference for your DCIS student:

STAFF WISH LIST: Looking for specific ways to help out DCIS? Here's your chance! We have an awesome staff and a not-so-awesome budget. Our staff members could really use your help with providing much-needed classroom supplies, volunteering in the classroom or helping with the yearbook, and helping in the front office. Please click here to see if you can meet even ONE of these needs. THANK YOU!!

SCHOOL BEAUTIFICATION TEAM: Right now, when you enter the building from the parking lot (which 99% of people do), it is a bland scene. We want everyone who enters our kids' school and walks the halls to say, "Wow ... that's beautiful ... that's amazing! This is clearly an international school." We would covet your participation in helping to bring life to the halls of DCIS. We'd love to see if you could spare one of the following three half-hour slots to do a quick tour and then brainstorm:
  • This Friday, Oct. 7. 7:45-8:15 am (swing in after drop-off)
  • Tuesday, Oct. 11, 7:00-7:30 pm (right after Family Night)
  • Wednesday, Oct. 12, 7:45-8:15 am
To RSVP, call or text School Beautification Team Lead Karen Mortimer at 303-910-6698 or reply online.

THE DRAMA CLUB needs props and set pieces for She Kills Monsters
Please let us know here if you can lend or give us any of the following and, for borrowed items, whether there are any special instructions or precautions you want us to take. Thank you!!
  • PVC pipe
  • Fog machine
  • Cot or inflatable mattress
  • Black reclining chair
  • Black cushions
  • Small table and four chairs 
  • Photo frame
  • Dice
  • Pillows
  • Blankets
  • Christmas lights
  • Toy weapons (plastic or wooden) (battle ax, swords, a trident, fake knives)
  • Blank discs
  • Black leather gloves
  • Halloween decor
  • Foam



As part of DCIS Family Night on Tuesday, Oct. 11, 6–7 pm, Counselor Melisa Monteon will present "College 101" on what college is all about, the different types of colleges, how do you decide what to major in, and lots more! The presentation will be in the cafeteria following dinner/socializing from 5:30 to 6 pm. Simultaneous interpretation will be provided, and we encourage Spanish-speaking parents to attend!


Oct. 25, 8-10 am in the DCIS cafeteria. All seniors are required to attend and are strongly encouraged to be there at the beginning in order to make the most of the limited time available. The following schools will be working with students on filling out applications, answering questions and, in some cases, admitting students on the spot:

  • Adams State
  • Arapahoe Community College
  • Community College of Denver
  • Emily Griffith
  • Front Range Community College
  • Hastings
  • Johnson & Wales
  • Metropolitan State University
  • Regis University
  • University of Colorado–Boulder
  • University of Colorado–Colorado Springs
  • University of Colorado–Denver
  • University of Denver
  • University of Northern Colorado 


Be sure to check out all the information on scholarships in our Senior Newsletter.


Team DPS members across the district are working hard to achieve our Denver Plan 2020 goal of ensuring our graduates are college and career ready, and we're celebrating their progress throughout October! Students from across the district will be sharing how they are making their college and career dreams a reality — such as by taking challenging courses, mapping out an academic plan with their school counselor, visiting a college campus or participating in strategic extracurricular activities. Each day, the Office of College and Career Readiness and CareerConnect will highlight one student's plan on www.dpsk12.orgFacebook, and Twitter. But it doesn't stop there: We want students of all grade levels to share their career and college aspirations using the hashtag #myplan. DPS educators and school leaders can also join the conversation by celebrating their students using #everychildsucceeds. 


All juniors and seniors interested in taking college courses on a college/community college campus, please see your school counselor as soon as possible to discuss dates and deadlines for concurrent enrollment. Juniors can take up to 3 credits and seniors up to 6 credits. It is first come, first served, as funding for tuition is limited. Parents/guardians are responsible for transportation, books and additional fees. Parents/guardians will also be responsible for tuition if their student's grade is lower than a C or if the student withdraws from the class after the deadline.


THE TRAVEL CENTER WILL BE CLOSED on Wednesday, Oct. 12. It will be open  Monday, Oct. 10, and Friday, Oct. 14, 7:45 am-2:55 pm.

DCIS FOUNDATION TRAVEL SCHOLARSHIP INTERVIEWS will take place after school on Tuesday, Oct. 11, and Thursday, Oct. 13. Travel scholarships are for middle-school group trips and high school students. Students will be contacted if they are to be interviewed.


High school students ages 15+ interested in a summer or yearlong language intensive in Mandarin, Hindi, Korean, Turkish, Russian, Arabic or Persian ... check out NSLI-Y! This is a U.S. State Department program with full-ride scholarships. Information and applications available online. Deadline to apply for 2017–2018 programs is Oct. 27!

Mondays 8 am–12:15 pm
Wednesdays 8 am–1:30 pm
Thursdays 8 am–1:30 pm
Room 204


The answer to last week's question: "What is Gia Millan's favorite TV show?" is The Bachelorette! The winner of the $10 Starbucks gift card is student Reyna Esquibel.

NEW PHOENIX FUN: INTERNATIONAL TRIVIA TIME!! One of these statements is true. Three are false (but trickily so!). Choose the true one: 

A:  Less than 1% of the Caribbean islands are inhabited.
B:  The shortest place name is 'Å' — located in Sweden.
C:  Vatican City and San Marino are the only countries completely surrounded by one other country.
D:  There is only one river in Saudi Arabia.

Submit your answer here. If you are correct, you will be entered into a drawing for a $10 Starbucks gift card!


DCIS Website
DCIS Facebook Page
DCIS Parents Group (closed, non-school-sanctioned) on Facebook
DCIS Drama Club Facebook 
DCIS Foundation Facebook
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