
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Need Help with Middle School Dance This Friday!!

DCIS Parents/Guardians & Students,


A couple of reminders...


MIDDLE SCHOOL PARENTS/GUARDIANS:  The school needs more chaperones and more donations of decorations, snacks & drinks for the dance this Friday.  Please click here to lend your support!



  • Please remember to bring in $5 & $10 gift cards to the school office before Friday, April 29th, for our staff appreciation week.  
  • Also, we could use more culinary blessings for the staff appreciation breakfast on Tuesday, May 3rd.  To sign up, click here.  
  • We also encourage students and families to think creatively on how to show their appreciation to the staff at DCIS.  Sometimes something thoughtful & personal can mean a great deal to a staff member.
