
Thursday, March 17, 2016

Parents: Please Take the Lunchtime Survey!



To give DCIS teachers the standard two planning periods (rather than the one they currently have), the school will transition to a 7-period schedule next school year.  The school day is scheduled to be from 7:50 am to 2:55 pm.


With the new bell schedule, we have two options for the lunch periods on Tuesday-Friday (Green & Blue Days). Lunch on Mondays (White Days) will be 11:25 am-12:10 pm.


With the early lunch option (10:55-11:45 am), students would have two classes before and two classes after lunch. With the late lunch option (12:30-1:20 pm), students would have three classes before and one class after lunch.


Students and teachers have already voted, and now we're asking parents for their opinions. If you feel strongly about either option, now is the time to make your voice heard! To take the survey: Click the Lunchtime Survey icon on the home page banner or access it under Meals on the menu.


Option One - Early Lunch



Balance in the school day: two classes, then lunch, then two classes

Shorter time between the start of school at 7:50 and lunch at 10:55



Lunch is early at 10:55

Two classes after lunch, instead of just one, means that students who have an off period at the end of the day—for jobs, internships, CCD classes, etc.—can’t leave at lunch. Instead they have to stay for lunch, attend one more class and then leave, which can limit some opportunities. Also, many teachers prefer only one class after lunch because students tend to be more focused before lunch and a bit less focused after lunch.

Option Two - Late Lunch



Students who have an off period at the end of the day can leave at lunch, which gives them more time to get to their college classes/jobs/internships, etc.

Only one class after lunch. Many teachers prefer this because students tend to be more focused before lunch and a bit less focused after lunch.



Lunch is very late at 12:30, which means there is a 4½ hour gap between when school begins at 7:50 and lunch at 12:30. This is a very long time without eating, especially for our middle school students.