
Thursday, October 20, 2016

DCIS Connect Newsletter October 20-26

Weekly Newsletter for Parents, Staff and Students
October 20-26, 2016

(Leer en Español usar el traductor de Google aquí.)
Every Thursday, you'll receive this DCIS Connect newsletter in your email inbox to keep you up to date on all the events and happenings at our school. It's also available on the DCIS Connect app, which you can download at the Apple Store or Google Play.

If you don't wish to receive the newsletter, click the Unsubscribe link at the end. If you're receiving multiple copies of the newsletter, please email to report the problem; be sure to indicate your first and last name and preferred email address so we can update our records.

Newsletter submissions are due by 10 am on the Tuesday preceding the issue date. Email submissions to

One week left!! We are one week into our two-week drive and are a little over halfway there. Thank you to all the parents who have stepped up to the plate! You rock! What's left on the wish list? There are still 42 different unmet needs at DCIS for the staff. Click on the Staff Wish List to claim an item to donate. If you would prefer to provide a tax-deductible donation to cover needs, you can donate funds here. If you would like to help via, you can use the address to donate an eGift card.


  • CSC MEETING: Thursday, Oct. 20, 4:30-6:30 pm, DCIS library
  • DEBATE TOURNAMENT, Saturday, Oct. 22, Manual High School, 1700 E. 28th Ave., Denver (map)
  • CHANGE OF HeARTS FESTIVAL, Sunday, Oct. 23, 11 am–5 pm, DCIS Drama students perform at noon and 1:30 pm, Central Park Festival Area, Stapleton (map)
  • ADOLESCO YOUTH EXCHANGE applications due Sunday, Oct. 23. For more info, click here or send an email.
  • 8th GRADE TRIP: DENVER MUSEUM OF NATURE & SCIENCE, Tuesday, Oct. 25, 9:30 am-2 pm
  • LOCAL COLLEGE APPLICATION DAY, Tuesday, Oct. 25, periods 1 and 2
  • SUPERINTENDENT PARENT FORUM: A Foundation for Success — Early Literacy and Bond/Mill Discussion, Wednesday, Oct. 26, 10 am–noon, Crowne Plaza Denver Airport Convention Center, 15500 E. 40th Ave., Denver (map) (more info English and Spanish, to register)
  • PTSA BEAUTIFICATION TEAM Hallway Redecoration Proposal Planning:  Wednesday, Oct. 26, 8:15-9:00 am, Community Room - Room 103


  • MIDDLE SCHOOL DANCE AND HAUNTED HOUSE: Thursday, Oct. 27, 6–8 pm, DCIS cafeteria
  • NATIONAL SECURITY LANGUAGE INTENSIVE FOR YOUTH applications due Thursday, Oct. 27. More information here.
  • NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS: Friday, Oct. 28
  • GREEN DAY, Monday, Oct. 31 (instead of usual White Day; rest of week follows the usual schedule)
  • CLUB EXPO for students, Monday, Oct. 31, 8–9:20 am, DCIS cafeteria
  • PICTURE RETAKES, Tuesday, Nov. 1
  • OPEN HOUSE FOR PROSPECTIVE FAMILIES: Tuesday, Nov. 1, 7:30-9 am
  • PARENT-PRINCIPAL COFFEE (English), Wednesday, Nov. 2, 8:15–9:15 am, DCIS Community Room (103)
  • 8th GRADE CAREER FAIR, Wednesday, Nov. 2
  • FALL STUDENT-LED CONFERENCES, Wednesday and Thursday, Nov. 2-3, 3:30-7:30 pm
  • DCIS FOUNDATION FALL FUNDRAISER featuring award-winning author Helen Thorpe. Wednesday, Nov. 2, 6 pm, Four Mile Historic Park. More information here.
  • PARENT-PRINCIPAL COFFEE (Spanish), Thursday, Nov. 3, 8:15–9:15 am, DCIS Community Room (103)
  • DPS FAMILY LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE, Thursday, Nov. 3, 9 am–12:30 pm, PPA Event Center, 2105 Decatur St, Denver (map)
  • MODEL UNITED NATIONS (MUN) CONFERENCE, Saturday, Nov. 5, all day, St. Mary's Academy, 4545 S. University Blvd., Englewood (map)
  • FALL BACK! Daylight Savings Time ends. Sunday, Nov. 6.
  • SHADOWING FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS on the following Mondays: Nov. 7, Nov. 14, Dec. 5.
  • DCIS DATA NIGHT, RESCHEDULED to Tuesday, Nov. 8, 6–7 pm, DCIS auditorium
  • ELECTION DAY! Tuesday, Nov. 8.
  • DEBATE TOURNAMENT: Saturday, Nov. 12, all day, Aurora Central High School, 11700 E. 11th Place, Aurora (map)
  • CITYWIDE DRAMA FESTIVAL for high school students, Thursday, Nov. 17, 10 am–4 pm, Denver Center for the Performing Arts
  • DRAMA CLUB FUNDRAISER, Thursday, Nov. 17, all day, Patxi's Pizza, 185 Steele St., Denver (map)
  • DCIS DRAMA FALL SHOW, "She Kills Monsters," Thursday–Saturday, Nov 17–19, 6–8 pm, DCIS auditorium, tickets
LETTER FROM THE PRINCIPAL ...                   

Dear DCIS Parents,

I look forward to seeing you at school in the coming weeks during several upcoming events. First are our student/parent conferences on Wednesday, Nov. 2, and Thursday, Nov. 3, 3:30–7:30 pm. If your child's adviser hasn't already reached out about scheduling a conference time slot, he or she will be in touch in the next few days to do so. If you are unable to attend during the specified time frames, please let your child's adviser know so he or she can find a time that works for you. We encourage every parent to attend these important conferences.

The DCIS Foundation's big fall fundraiser also takes place Nov. 2, beginning at 6 pm at Four Mile Historic Park, and it promises to be an eventful evening. If you would like to attend this event, be sure to schedule your student/parent conference accordingly. All proceeds go to support student travel.

FInally, I hope you'll join us for our DCIS Data Night, when we'll discuss the newly released data that make up our school's official School Performance Framework (SPF) rating, including the 2015-16 CMAS results, ACT and AP exam scores, Parent Satisfaction Surveys, attendance and much more. For a sneak peek, take a look at the 2015-16 Parent Survey results for high school and middle school. Note that this meeting has been rescheduled from Oct. 25 to Tuesday, Nov. 8. Although DPS originally planned to have all SPF data finalized by Oct. 21, they have delayed the formal release of SPF data until Oct. 28 due to some last-minute calculation changes. For that reason and to avoid any conflict with our parent conferences the following week, we moved Data Night to Nov. 8. We know it's Election Day and promise to be done by 7 pm when the polls close so you can be home in time to watch the election returns. And if you haven't already voted by then, be sure to drop off your ballot that evening on the way to school!

Ask your 6th grader about erosion, or your 7th grader about pre-algebra. Ask your 8th grader about the field trip next week. Ask your 9th grader about how to measure time since Earth began, using a meter stick. Ask your 10th grader about trade simulations in World History, or your 11th grader about the first major essay in World Literature. Be sure to ask your senior about the FAFSA. Your kids make our school a wonderful place every day!

Theresa McCorquodale
DCIS Principal
Take the chill off those early autumn mornings with a DCIS hoodie (gray with DCIS logo)! Supplies are limited and come in sizes M, L, XL and 2XL. $25 each. We have order forms and sample sizes in the office (cash, check or credit card), or you can click on this hoodie order form to order online. Once we've received your payment, the PTSA will deliver the hoodie(s) to your student(s) at school.
The Denver School of the Arts is hosting an Arts Festival that focuses on Arts for Social Change. It will showcase students performing music, dance, visual arts and theater pieces that speak to social justice issues. Come watch DCIS Drama Club students perform a short piece from "She Kills Monsters," their upcoming fall show, at noon and 1:30.

There are many ways for parents to "raise their hand" to make a difference at DCIS. As the saying goes, "It takes a village." Whether you have time, a little money, a lot of money or particular skills to offer, it all helps. The more people who raise their hands, the more your children benefit. Here's how you can make a difference for your DCIS student:

STAFF SUPPORT DRIVE: See box at top of newsletter. 

It's time for the annual Middle School Dance and Haunted House, sponsored by DCIS Student Council. Yes, they rock. The dance is Thursday, Oct. 27, 6–8 pm in the DCIS cafeteria. Parents, the students could use your help as chaperones and with donations of decorations, snacks and bottled water. To sign up, click here

COLLABORATIVE SCHOOL COMMITTEE: The next meeting is TODAY, Oct. 20, 4:30–6:30 pm in the DCIS library. The first 10 minutes of every monthly meeting are open for public comments, and we welcome and encourage ALL families to stick around for the entire meeting. If you have something you would like the CSC to discuss or questions you'd like answered, we encourage you to reach out to one (or all!) of your representatives (student/teacher/parent) and let us know what's on your mind. Check out our most recent minutes here. On this month's agenda:
  • Public comment
  • Share data (CMAS, PSAT, ACT results; attendance; etc.)
  • Update on research into Innovation status


Know any parents or students who might be interested in DCIS for the 2017–18 school year? Please let them know about our Open Houses and shadowing opportunities.

The next Open House is Tuesday, Nov. 1. Two evening Open Houses will also be held, on Nov. 15 and Jan. 18, 6–7:30 pm. 
Check out this page for details on the morning and evening agendas.

In addition to Open Houses, the DCIS Student Ambassadors have launched a shadowing program to provide prospective students with a glimpse of a typical day at DCIS. Middle and high school students considering DCIS have the opportunity to shadow a current DCIS student, giving them an inside look at all our school has to offer. A limited number of shadowing spots are available on selected Mondays between now and December: Oct. 24, Nov. 7, Nov. 14 and Dec. 5. Click here for more information and a link to register.  



An ICAP (Individual Career Academic Plan) — previously called a Personal Education Plan (PEP) — is a personalized plan through which students define their postsecondary and career goals. Denver Public Schools (DPS) ECE-12th grade students participate in quarterly counselor-led guidance curriculum in order to develop a plan to prepare them for high school, college and the workforce. The ICAP provides a framework that allows students to see the relevance of school to their future college and career aspirations. Students' ICAPs are always evolving as students recognize and build new connections between school and the world of work. 

All seniors are required to attend this event on Tuesday, Oct. 25, 8-10 am, in the DCIS cafeteria. They are strongly encouraged to arrive at the beginning in order to make the most of the limited time available. The following schools will be working with students on filling out applications, answering questions and, in some cases, admitting students on the spot:

  • Adams State
  • Arapahoe Community College
  • Community College of Denver
  • Emily Griffith
  • Front Range Community College
  • Hastings
  • Johnson & Wales
  • Metropolitan State University
  • Regis University
  • University of Colorado–Boulder
  • University of Colorado–Colorado Springs
  • University of Colorado–Denver
  • University of Denver
  • University of Northern Colorado 

Team DPS members across the district are working hard to achieve the Denver Plan 2020 goal of ensuring our graduates are college- and career-ready, and they're celebrating their progress throughout October! Students from across the district will be sharing how they are making their college and career dreams a reality — such as by taking challenging courses, mapping out an academic plan with their school counselor, visiting a college campus or participating in strategic extracurricular activities. Each day, the Office of College and Career Readiness and CareerConnect will highlight one student's plan on www.dpsk12.orgFacebook and Twitter. But it doesn't stop there: We want students of all grade levels to share their career and college aspirations using the hashtag #myplan. DPS educators and school leaders can also join the conversation by celebrating their students using #everychildsucceeds. 
... to Catherine Sivan, from Mr. Adams, for being a good student and helping others with their work!

... to Catherine Martinez, from Mr. Garvey, for helping a student who spilled their lunch in the lunchroom!

Nominate Someone for a Shout-Out
If you see a student, staff or family member demonstrating one or more of the DCIS Phoenix values (integrity, high expectations, diversity, collaborative culture, reflection), consider nominating them for a Shout-Out in our next newsletter by using the shout-form on the app. Or send an email to indicating the person's name, what they did, what Phoenix value that demonstrates and your name. Feel free to include a photo too!


Due to NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS ON FRIDAY, Oct. 28, the Travel Center will instead be open all day on Monday, Oct. 24, and Wednesday, Oct. 26, 7:45 am–2:55 pm

The U.S. Department of State has announced the availability of several full-ride scholarships for American high school students to study abroad in yearlong or summer programs:
  • The National Security Language Initiative for Youth (NSLI-Y) offers merit-based scholarships to study one of seven critical foreign languages: Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Korean, Persian (Tajiki), Russian or Turkish. The NSLI-Y program is designed to immerse participants in the cultural life of the host country, provide formal and informal language practice, and spark a lifetime interest in foreign languages and cultures. The application deadline for summer 2017 and academic year 2017-18 programs is Thursday, Oct. 27. Visit their website for more information.
  • The Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study (YES) Abroad Program offers merit-based scholarships to study for an academic year in countries that may include Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Jordan, Macedonia, Malaysia, Morocco, Philippines, Senegal, Thailand and Turkey. This program increases understanding between people in the United States and people in countries with significant Muslim populations. Students live with host families, attend local high schools, do community service and complete a capstone project. Applications for academic year 2017-18 programs are due Thursday, Dec. 1. Visit their website for more information.
  • The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange Program (CBYX) offers merit-based scholarships to study for an academic year in Germany. The program was established in 1983 to celebrate German-American friendship based on the common value of democracy. Students live with host families, attend local schools and participate in community life in Germany. For more information and application deadlines, visit the website of the organization in charge of recruitment for your state.
For more information on exchanges sponsored by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs, click here. To receive printed brochures about these study-abroad opportunities, send an email with your request. For information on having an international experience without leaving home, consider hosting a Department of State-sponsored exchange student. Learn more here.

Geri Zabitz Badler
Travel Center and Community Partnerships
NEW Office Phone: 720-423-9043

Mondays: 7:45 am–12:15 pm
Wednesdays, Fridays: 7:45 am–1:30 pm
Room 204

The answer to last week's question: "The average American does what 22 times a day:" is ... opens the fridge! The winner of the $10 Starbucks gift card is 7th grade student Kaelyn Kindell. 

Since it's election season, a "presidential" question:

Which president had an alligator as a pet?
a. James Madison 
b. John Quincy Adams 
c.  John Tyler 
d. Andrew Johnson

Submit your answer here. If you are correct, you will be entered into a drawing for a $10 Starbucks gift card!


DCIS Website
DCIS Facebook Page
DCIS Parents Group (closed, non-school-sanctioned) on Facebook
DCIS Drama Club Facebook 
DCIS Travel Center Facebook
DCIS Foundation Facebook
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