IMPORTANT TRAVEL CENTER UPDATES! Because of a technical snafu, this week's DCIS Connect Newsletter didn't include the following updates from the Travel Center, some of which are time-sensitive and couldn't wait until next week's newsletter, and some that simply underscore the huge benefits of student travel. PLEASE READ! Want to have a voice in middle school travel options? Join us on Tuesday, May 14, at 6 pm in the DCIS Community Room (103) to hear about and help choose between two fabulous trips: Guatemala or Peru, both through Walking Tree Travel. Student meeting for United Kingdom high school trip for summer of 2020: Next Thursday, May 16, at lunch in Mr. Crossley's room (116A). We are gauging student interest. A parent meeting will be offered at the beginning of the next school year. Grazie! Bravi! Thank you to the five DCIS rock-star families who stepped up to host an Italian exchange student. We and they really appreciate it! We hope it will be a great experience for all. The 10th grade Canyonlands and Estes trips were a great success! Thanks to Marie Meyer, Jilaine Sandlin, Connor Saller and Abby Hoffman, who made it all happen. Here are some quotes from students who went on the Canyonlands trip: - Helped me overcome some insecurities and gave me an opportunity to talk to people I never really see.
- Helped me make new connections and learn new things about myself, others and nature.
- Really taught me what it means to become connected to the people around me.
- Made me realize what I truly need and want in life.
- Helped me create stronger bonds and pushed me to test my limits.
- This trip helped me break from a shell and allowed me to connect to people I haven't communicated with before.
- Taught me that stepping outside of your comfort zone can help repair friendships.
- Trying new things is sometimes good for the soul. Strengthened bonds with friends and made new ones. Felt connection with nature.
- Reminded me of how wonderful my class is, taught me things about nature, and allowed me to create new and stronger friendships.
- Being here will change your mind on how you see the world.