
Friday, October 27, 2017

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Thursday, October 26, 2017

DCIS Connect Newsletter (Oct 26-Nov 1, 2017)

Weekly Newsletter for Parents, Staff and Students
October 26–November 1, 2017

(Leer en Español usar el traductor de Google aquí.)
Every Thursday while school is in session, you'll receive this DCIS Connect newsletter in your email inbox to keep you up to date on all the events and happenings at our school. It's also available on the DCIS Connect app, which you can download at the Apple Store or Google Play.

If you don't wish to receive the newsletter, click the Unsubscribe link at the end. If you're receiving multiple copies of the newsletter, please email to report the problem; be sure to indicate your first and last name and preferred email address so we can update our records.

Newsletter submissions are due by 10 am on the Tuesday preceding the issue date. Email submissions to


  • NO SCHOOL for Students: Thursday-Friday, Oct. 26-27 (faculty professional development)
  • Shadowing Day for Prospective Students: Monday, Oct. 30, all day
  • Parent-Teacher Conferences: Monday, Oct. 30 and Wednesday, Nov. 1, 3:30-7:30 pm (access the online signup sheet here)
  • Coffee with the Principal (English): Wednesday, Nov. 1, 8:15–9:15 am, DCIS Community Room 103
  • DPS Superintendent/Parent Forum – Advocating for Your Child: Wednesday, Nov. 1, 9:30–11:30 am, Crowne Plaza Denver Airport Convention Center. More info here.


  • NO SCHOOL: Friday, Nov. 3
  • Dia de los Muertos Family Field Trip: Saturday, Nov. 4, 11:30 am-5 pm, Denver Botanic Gardens
  • Daylight Saving Time Ends: Sunday, Nov. 5
  • PTSA Fundraising & Events Team Meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 7, 6–7:30 pm, DCIS Community Room 103. RSVP here.
  • Café con la Directora (en Español): Wednesday, Nov. 8, 8:45–9:45 am, DCIS Community Room 103
  • Open House for Prospective Students: Wednesday, Nov. 8, 6–7:30 pm
  • Shadowing Day: Monday, Nov. 13, all day
  • Open House for Prospective Students: Tuesday, Nov. 14, 7:50–9 am
  • CSC Meeting: Tuesday, Nov. 14, 4-6 pm
  • PTSA Family Night: Tuesday, Nov. 14, 6–7:30 pm, DCIS Cafeteria. Join us for a conversation with Principal Theresa McCorquodale about DCIS' most recent School Performance Framework (SPF) (i.e., academic rating) scores and what they mean. Dinner, simultaneous interpretation and child care provided.
  • DCIS Drama Presents The Phantom Tollbooth: Thursday-Saturday, Nov. 16-18, 6–8 pm, DCIS Auditorium
  • NO SCHOOL (Fall Break): Monday-Friday, Nov. 20-24

Dear DCIS Parents,

Friday, Oct. 20, marked the end of the first quarter, so we will be printing report cards to distribute to parents during our Parent/Teacher Conferences next week. As a reminder, Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held on Monday and Wednesday afternoons next week from 3:30-7:30 pm. Parents can sign up on the DCIS website for a time slot to meet with any (or all) of their child's teachers. Just click on the name of the teacher you would like to see. Slots are filling up fast, so be sure to sign up today to ensure you have an appointment with each teacher you want to see.

Do you know any current 5th or 8th graders who are looking for a great middle school/high school for the 2018-19 school year? If so, please invite them to our evening Open House on Wednesday, Nov. 8, 6-7:30 pm. This is a fantastic opportunity to learn all about DCIS and our wonderful learning community. We will have current students, parents, teachers and administrators here that night so prospective students truly can get a feel for our school. So ... help us spread the word! Go Phoenix!

And speaking of how awesome our school is, DCIS has won the Highest Achieving High School award for the 2016-17 Lakota Language Assessment Test!! Our students were measured against Lakota language students in schools across all NINE reservations, each with multiple high schools serving the dozens of communities on each reservation in South Dakota, two reservations in North Dakota, two reservations in Montana, as well as the Native American Community Academy in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Congratulations to all our Lakota students!

I look forward to seeing all of you here at DCIS next Monday and Wednesday for Parent/Teacher Conferences.

Theresa McCorquodale
DCIS Principal

It's time for our next gathering! Please join us on Tuesday, Nov. 7, 6-7:30 pm in the DCIS Community Room to learn about the fun events and fundraising efforts we have coming down the pike. And we'll have SNACKS! RSVP to let us know whether you can make it.   
Preorder your yearbook and save!

Yearbooks are available for just $40, but prices go up in DECEMBER, so get yours now! You can purchase a yearbook online by clicking here, contacting Mrs. Hoffman at, or visiting room 216A anytime. Pay by cash/check in person or by credit card online.

All senior section materials (senior picture, senior quote and a baby picture) are due by 3 pm on Friday, Dec. 8. Please email your items (.jpeg or PDF files) to
Our PTSA-sponsored Día de los Muertos FREE family field trip to the Botanic Gardens' Celebration on Saturday, Nov. 4, is right around the corner! (Admission on this date and the bus ride are both free.) We'll have two buses leaving the school from the south parking lot at 11:30 am, returning from the gardens at 4:30 pm. If you haven't yet reserved seats on the bus, now's the time! You can do that by clicking here or by texting or calling Melisa at 303-507-1256. If you'd rather drive, we're happy to meet you at the gardens so we can enjoy the afternoon together as a school community.  

A big THANK-YOU to all the parents who hosted our fall socials and to the parents who showed up to meet their "neighbors"!

(SPRING 2018)
In order to support as many students and families as possible with concurrent enrollment funding, we have added some guidelines for the Spring 2018 semester. If your student is interested in taking a concurrent enrollment course, please have them contact Ms. Monteon ASAP. 

Families of seniors, if your student is a permanent resident and/or citizen, they should complete the FAFSA ASAP. Click here to learn about the few remaining FAFSA events happening in the district. 

The day was a success! Thank you to the volunteers and students who attended.

Click here for a list of CSS Profile completion workshops available to students applying to DU.

If your student has an off period, you and the student should have signed a paper agreeing to these terms. If you have questions about off-campus period, please contact Melisa Monteon or Theresa McCorquodale.

Course NumberThe number your college or university uses to classify a course. You usually need this number in order to register for a class.

Tami Schmidt: Middle School
Ted Brugman: 9th and 10th Grade
Melisa Monteon (Springsteen): 11th and 12th Grade
Aly Bortle: 12th Grade Post-Secondary Coach, Wednesdays and Fridays in room 101B. "My goal is to help you accomplish anything and everything you want for yourself after high school. If you want to go to college, let's find the best one for you with the most scholarships available. If you want to start a career, let's make sure you are doing something you love! I am here to help you complete applications, write college essays, research interests and much more!"

The Denver Center for International Studies Foundation is grateful for your support and would like to invite you to see what you have helped us to accomplish. On Tuesday, Nov. 7, 6–7:30 pm, DCIS Foundation scholarship recipients (from DCIS Baker) will share the impact of their travel experiences at the DCIS Foundation Student Presentation event. The event will be held at Su Teatro, 721 Santa Fe Drive. Desserts and nonalcoholic beverages will be served (a cash bar will be available). The event is FREE—you will not be asked to make a donation. It is simply an opportunity for us to say thank-you and offer the chance to witness firsthand the difference you make to the students we serve.


DCIS Website
DCIS Facebook Page
DCIS Parents Group (closed, non-school-sanctioned) on Facebook
DCIS Drama Club Facebook 
DCIS Travel Center Facebook
DCIS Foundation Facebook
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