
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Giving Tuesday: DCIS Style!

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Hey DCIS families … it's GIVING TUESDAY! If you've been thinking about helping out the school but haven't gotten around to it, today's a great day to do that. Here's how:
  • Buy our special DCIS holiday coffee blend for just $13/bag here. It makes a fantastic holiday gift, and proceeds go to supporting cultural enrichment activities for all DCIS students.
  • You can also support cultural enrichment opportunities and school beautification efforts by donating to our Phoenix Fund. Even a donation of $5 from every family would make a huge difference. Find out more about the fund here: English   Español  Donate online here.
  • Finally, the DCIS staff still has some unmet needs, which you can help out with by clicking here.
Thank you for helping out in whatever way you can. Together, we can do so much.


Hola familias DCIS... está DANDO el MARTES! Si has estado pensando en ayudar a la escuela pero no he llegado a él, de un gran día para hacerlo hoy. Aquí es cómo: 
  • Compro nuestro DCIS especial mezcla de fiesta café por sólo $13/bolso aquí. Hace un regalo de fiesta, y las ganancias son para apoyar las actividades de enriquecimiento cultural para todos los estudiantes de DCIS. 
  • También puede soportar esfuerzos de embellecimiento escolar y oportunidades de enriquecimiento cultural por donar a nuestro fondo de Phoenix. Incluso una donación de $5 de cada familia haría una gran diferencia. Más información sobre el fondo aquí: Inglés Español Donar en línea aquí
  • Por último, la facultad de DCIS todavía tiene algunas necesidades no satisfechas, que puede ayudar con por haciendo clic aquí
Gracias por ayudar en todo lo que pueda. Juntos, podemos hacer mucho. 

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Friday, November 18, 2016

Something's Brewing ... / El café se está preparando en DCIS

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… It's the special DCIS Holiday Blend featured in our schoolwide fundraiser over the next couple of weeks!!

Who doesn't love a good cup of coffee (or know someone who does)? That's why selling coffee is easy. What's unique about this coffee is that it's a special holiday blend created for us by Pablo's Coffee, owned by DCIS parents Craig and Lisa Conner — and the bags are even labeled with the artwork of a DCIS student (see above)! It's the perfect gift for grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends, neighbors … even yourself!

For every $13 bag sold, DCIS gets $6. The monies will go toward providing cultural enrichment activities and travel opportunities to ALL students. It's a way to level the playing field for students whose participation in outside opportunities might be limited for a variety of reasons. Participation in the fundraiser is optional, but because the monies we raise will benefit all students, we'd like to have as many students (and parents!) as possible get involved, even if by selling or buying just one bag.

We handed out packets of order forms and information sheets at today's all-school meeting to students who wanted one. If your student didn't get one and wants to participate, you can print one here. Students can accept checks from customers (NO CASH!) or ask them to go online here to pay with debit/credit/PayPal (the online order form asks for the student's name so they get credit for the order). Click here to learn more about the fundraiser, how students will benefit, and details like deadlines, ordering options and prizes (like a $100 gift card to the student who sells the most).

The fundraiser will run for just 2.5 weeks. The absolute last day students can turn in orders is Wednesday, Dec. 7. Here's how you can help:
  1. Encourage your student to participate, even if by selling just one bag.
  2. Feel free to get involved even if your student doesn't want to — ask family, friends, co-workers, customers, clients, etc. to buy a bag.
  3. Help us spread the word by sharing the link to our online order form:
If you have any questions, contact Edmond at or (303) 641-4146.  
Thank you for helping in whatever way you can. Together, we can do so much.
... ¡Es la mezcla especial del día de fiesta de DCIS ofrecida en nuestra recaudación de fondos de la escuela durante las próximas semanas!
¿Quién no ama una buena taza de café (o sabe alguien que lo hace)? Es por eso que la venta de café es fácil. Lo que es único en este café es que es una mezcla de vacaciones especial creada para nosotros por Pablo's Coffee, propiedad de los padres de DCIS Craig y Lisa Conner - ¡y las bolsas están etiquetadas con las ilustraciones de un estudiante DCIS! ¡Es el regalo perfecto para los abuelos, tías y tíos, amigos, vecinos ... incluso usted mismo!
Por cada bolsa de $ 13 vendida, DCIS obtiene $ 6. El dinero se destinará a proporcionar actividades de enriquecimiento cultural y oportunidades de viajes a TODOS los estudiantes. Es una manera de nivelar el campo de juego para los estudiantes cuya participación en oportunidades externas puede ser limitada por una variedad de razones. La participación en la recaudación de fondos es opcional, pero debido a que los fondos que recaudemos beneficiarán a todos los estudiantes, nos gustaría tener tantos estudiantes (y padres!) Como sea posible involucrarse, incluso si la venta o la compra de una sola bolsa.
Entregamos paquetes de formularios de pedido y hojas de información en la reunión de hoy en la escuela a los estudiantes que querían uno. Si su estudiante no recibió uno y quiere participar, puede imprimir uno aquí. Los estudiantes pueden aceptar cheques de los clientes (No se permiten ventas por efectivo). O pedirles que vayan en línea aquí para pagar con débito / crédito / PayPal (el formulario de pedido en línea pide el nombre del estudiante para que obtengan crédito por el pedido). Haga clic aquí para obtener más información sobre la recaudación de fondos, cómo se beneficiarán los estudiantes y detalles como plazos, opciones de pedido y premios (como una tarjeta de regalo de $100 para el estudiante que vende más).
La recaudación de fondos durará sólo 2,5 semanas. El último día absoluto en que los estudiantes pueden entregar pedidos es el miércoles, 7 de diciembre. Así es como puede ayudar: 
  1. Anime a su estudiante a participar, incluso si la venta de una sola bolsa.
  2. Siéntase libre de participar incluso si su estudiante no quiere - pedir a la familia, amigos, compañeros de trabajo, clientes, clientes, etc para comprar una bolsa.
  3. Ayúdanos a difundir la palabra compartiendo el enlace a nuestro formulario de pedido en línea:
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Edmond a o al (303) 641-4146.
Gracias por ayudar de cualquier manera que pueda. Juntos, podemos hacer mucho.
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DCIS Connect
574 W. 6th Ave.
Denver, CO 80204

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Thursday, November 17, 2016

DCIS Connect Newsletter Nov. 17-23 

Weekly Newsletter for Parents, Staff and Students
November 17-23, 2016

(Leer en Español usar el traductor de Google aquí.)
Every Thursday while school is in session, you'll receive this DCIS Connect newsletter in your email inbox to keep you up to date on all the events and happenings at our school. It's also available on the DCIS Connect app, which you can download at the Apple Store or Google Play.

If you don't wish to receive the newsletter, click the Unsubscribe link at the end. If you're receiving multiple copies of the newsletter, please email to report the problem; be sure to indicate your first and last name and preferred email address so we can update our records.

Newsletter submissions are due by 10 am on the Tuesday preceding the issue date. Email submissions to


  • CITYWIDE DRAMA FESTIVAL for high school students, Thursday, Nov. 17, 10 am–4 pm, Denver Center for the Performing Arts
  • DRAMA CLUB FUNDRAISER, Thursday, Nov. 17, all day, Paxti's Pizza, 185 Steele St., Denver (map)
  • DCIS DRAMA FALL SHOW, "She Kills Monsters," Thursday–Saturday, Nov. 17–19, 6–8 pm, DCIS auditorium, tickets
  • COMMUNITY FORUM ON IMMIGRATION LAW, Saturday, Nov. 19, 10 am–noon, George Washington High School, 655 S. Monaco Pkwy., Denver 80224 (map)
  • DENVER YOUTH POET LAUREATE application deadline: Sunday, Nov. 20.
  • FALL BREAK: NO SCHOOL! Week of Nov. 21 (no newsletter this week)


  • PASSPORT TO TRAVEL: Wednesday, Nov. 30, and Friday, Dec. 2, during advisement
  • DEBATE TOURNAMENT — CHSAA Invitational, Friday–Saturday, Dec. 2–3, all day, University of Denver (map)
  • SHADOWING FOR PROSPECTIVE STUDENTS: Monday, Dec. 5 (final day)
  • PARENT-PRINCIPAL COFFEE: Tuesday, Dec. 6 (English), and Wednesday, Dec. 7 (Spanish), 8:15–9:15 am, DCIS Community Room (103)
  • 8TH GRADE RECRUITMENT NIGHT: Tuesday, Dec. 6, 6–7 pm, DCIS auditorium
  • PTSA FAMILY NIGHT: Please join us Tuesday, Dec. 13, for a potluck social to wind down the semester and celebrate "Our Family Traditions." Bring a family favorite to share and/or take part in our holiday cookie challenge. More details after the fall break!
  • SUPERINTENDENT–PARENT FORUM: College and Career Ready (graduation changes), Thursday, Dec. 8, 9:15–11:15 am, Temple Emanuel, Denver (map)
  • ADOLESCO COOKIE EXCHANGE: Learn about foreign exchange opportunities in France, Germany and Spain for students ages 9–18. Sunday, Dec. 11, 3–6 pm
  • 8TH GRADE SHAKESPEARE SCENES, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 12:30–1:30 pm, Auditorium
  • HIGH SCHOOL DEVISED THEATRE SCENES, Wednesday, Dec. 14, 12:30–1:30 pm, Auditorium
  • HIGH SCHOOL DRAMA I: "HARD CANDY," Thursday, Dec. 15, 12:30–1:30 pm, Auditorium
  • CSC MEETING, Thursday, Dec. 15, 4:30–6:30 pm, DCIS Community Room (103)
  • ULAANBAATAR-DENVER SISTER CITIES EXCHANGE PROGRAM: Application deadline, Thursday, Dec. 15
  • DEBATE TOURNAMENT, Friday–Saturday, Dec. 16–17, all day, University of Denver (map)
  • END OF SEMESTER, Friday, Dec. 16
LETTER FROM THE PRINCIPAL ...                   

Dear DCIS Families,

As we look toward next week and Thanksgiving, I am reminded more than ever how grateful I am for your kids. They bring fresh perspective and new energy every day. While our middle school and high school students are very different from each other developmentally, they actually work in sync more often than not. For example, some of our middle school students currently are a bit "overly energetic" during lunch time. So we have started a program utilizing our amazing upperclassmen as mentors for some of our middle school students. We are training juniors and seniors as mentors and already have six successful partnerships between students. In addition, we are training seniors as peer mediators to help resolve conflicts that arise among middle school students.

Every middle school has its share of "student drama," and DCIS is no exception. However, we are exceptional in how we are able to leverage and train high school student leaders in the building to arrive at community solutions with total student buy-in. I am proud of the growth shown by our middle school students just in the last couple of weeks, and of course I am also proud of our outstanding high school mentors and mediators who are Taking Action by reaching out to and connecting with younger students. Now that's something to be thankful for!

We also would like parent input on our school culture and your suggestions for making DCIS an even better school than it already is. Based on feedback from recent Parent Coffee meetings and from last year's Parent Satisfaction Survey, we know that you love and care about our school culture and our identity as an international studies school as much as we do as a staff. We also know that some of you feel that changes in recent years have affected our school culture. So we want to hear from you. Look for an invitation to a town hall–style meeting on DCIS school culture soon after winter break. We will share information, give some context and follow a protocol for capturing your input on this topic framed around our Four Domains of Global Leadership: Investigate the World, Communicate Ideas, Recognize Perspectives and Take Action.

In addition, look for information in the coming weeks with some background on some of the changes made in the school, such as the district's decision to eliminate the application process for DCIS, as well as how the school has responded to these changes and steps we have taken to address them. I look forward to a positive and productive schoolwide conversation (staff, students and parents) about school culture that will guide DCIS to being better than ever!

In the meantime, I send you my sincerest wishes for a healthy, restful and happy Thanksgiving break!

Theresa McCorquodale
DCIS Principal
Last Friday's student-led gathering during the all-school meeting was a moving testament to the power of community in creating and maintaining a welcoming and safe environment for all students, many of whom are fearful about the future for themselves and their families in light of so many uncertainties and the recent spate of hate crimes. The event underscored the fact that, no matter our many differences, we are strongest when we stand together. Kudos and respect to the students who organized the gathering, to all who spoke, and to everyone who stands up to hatred, bigotry and bullying. 

DCIS is not alone in this effort. Denver Public Schools' critical mission is to ensure that its schools are safe spaces where a student's race, ethnicity, religion and immigration status do not create any barriers to that child's education. In furtherance of this mission, DPS has put together a fact sheet to try and answer some questions people may have in the wake of last week's election about immigration status.  

In addition, George Washington High School will host a community forum on immigration law in its auditorium this Saturday, Nov. 19, 10 am–noon, as part of a joint venture with Colorado People's Alliance, Mi Familia Vota, iAmerica and the American Civil Liberties Union. In the spirit of love, wisdom and compassion, this forum will provide post-election information and offer strategies to support and protect families. The address is 655 S. Monaco Pkwy., Denver 80224 (map).

A comedic romp into the world of fantasy role-playing games, She Kills Monsters tells the story of Agnes Evans as she leaves her childhood home in Ohio following the death of her teenage sister, Tilly. When Agnes finds Tilly's Dungeons & Dragons notebook, however, she stumbles into a journey of discovery and action-packed adventure in the imaginary world that was Tilly's refuge. In this high-octane dramatic comedy laden with homicidal fairies, nasty ogres and '90s pop culture, acclaimed young playwright Qui Nguyen offers a heart-pounding homage to the geek and warrior within us all.

Thursday–Saturday, Nov. 16–18, 6 pm in the auditorium. Students, $5; Adults, $8; First Three Rows, $10. Advance tickets available here. Tickets also available at the door.

The Lakota Nation Invitational (LNI) started as a small basketball tournament 40 years ago. Today the tournament has grown to host 36 basketball teams, bringing 2,500 students and their families to Rapid City, South Dakota, for that one sport alone. In addition to the tournament, the LNI features other sports competitions, a powwow, cheerleading competitions, hand games, art and fashion shows, and various knowledge challenges among the long list of other events and activities planned for the four-day event.

Last year a group of DCIS students competed in the Lakota Language Bowl, marking the first time a group from Colorado participated. Ms. Locke, DCIS's Lakota teacher, would like to take a group of third- and fourth-year Lakota students to compete in the Language Bowl again this year, but they need help raising the needed funds to cover the contest entry fees, gas for travel to Rapid City, hotel accommodations for two nights and some meals. The competition takes place Dec. 14–15, so they're running out of time. To help make a second trip to the LNI a reality for these students, please click here to contribute. Ms. Locke and the Lakota students THANK YOU!  
Young poets, rappers, leaders and activists between the ages of 14 and 20 have until Sunday, Nov. 20, to apply for the chance to become Denver's newest Youth Poet Laureate. Ideal candidates are young writers and leaders committed to civic and community engagement, poetry and performance, and leadership and education. Along with the prestigious title of Denver Youth Poet Laureate, the winning poet will receive a book deal from Penmanship Books and will be the recipient of the Russell J. Arkind Memorial Scholarship. The Denver Youth Poet Laureate will also be provided with numerous opportunities and platforms to share their powerful voice, civic leadership and love for Denver as they perform throughout the metro area and stateFor more information and to apply, click here
There are many ways for families to "raise their hand" to make a difference at DCIS and in the community. Here are just a few of them:
That's what many of our DCIS students will be doing soon! Thanks to Craig and Lisa Conner, DCIS parents and owners of Pablo's Coffee, our students will get to sell a custom-created holiday coffee blend that even features student-designed artwork on the package ... the perfect gift for grandparents, aunts and uncles, friends, neighbors — anyone who likes an outstanding cuppa joe! Participation is optional, but we hope you'll encourage your students to join in the fun. Not only are we raising money for a good cause — equitable access to cultural enrichment and travel opportunities — but the students can also compete for some fabulous prizes. The PTSA is kicking off its schoolwide fundraiser on Friday, Nov. 18, at the all-school meeting, so be sure to ask your kids this weekend what's brewing.

If you would like to purchase a rechargeable King Soopers or Safeway gift card to benefit the DCIS Foundation, please send a check for $10, made out to DCIS FOUNDATION, to Melanie Grant at 1559 S. Steele St., Denver 80210, with a note indicating which card you want. Cards are preloaded with $10, and they can be recharged at the grocery store before you pay for your groceries. Every time you use your card to buy groceries or gas, 5 percent goes to the Foundation.  

Anahi Montano embodies the DCIS global leadership domain of Taking Action. This awesome student has started a GoFundMe campaign to purchase a teepee for the Standing Rock protesters. Her message: DCIS students have done a variety of fundraising events to support those protesting in South Dakota against the Dakota Access Pipeline. As a school we have been donating items such as clothing, water and toiletries. Now we would like to take it one step further. Since the cold season is approaching, we would like to give the protesters a warm place to sleep by raising money to buy a teepee that will hold at least 15 people. We want to show them they are not alone and that there are people who support them. Please help the Native American community as they fight to save their sacred land. Click here to contribute to the GoFundMe campaign, and be sure to spread the word about the campaign on social media. 


  • Reminder that college application deadlines are coming up quickly. Students, be sure to give recommenders and counselors a minimum of two weeks to get recommendations and transcripts sent.
  • So far, 55 percent of the senior class has applied to a college or university. Let's keep those numbers growing!
  • Be sure to complete the FAFSA before we leave for winter break. If you need more support, please set up an appointment with your school counselor.
Individual Academic and Career Plans (ICAPs) are a part of The Denver Plan and are a graduation requirement for students graduating in 2011 and beyond. Starting in sixth grade and continuing through high school, students create and update an ongoing plan that includes counselor-led activities on career interests, goal-setting, college opportunities, financial aid and noncognitive skills that increase academic success.

As of mid-November, more than 85 percent of our middle school students had received an ICAP lesson from the counseling department. The lessons differ by grade:
  • 6th grade — Academic preparation and learning styles
  • 7th grade — Strength finder and resume building
  • 8th grade — Preparation and post-career fair debriefing
Financial Aid: Money you receive for your college tuition or expenses that you may or may not have to pay back. 

If you or someone you know needs assistance with meals, clothing, toys for kids and more this holiday season, check out the many assistance resources here: English   Español

Looking for fun, family-friendly activities in the next couple of months? Check out this guide!


NOTE: The Travel Center closed until Monday, Nov. 28, when it will resume its regular schedule. You can reach Director Geri Badler during that time via email.  
This special DCIS/Brest trip, underwritten by Sister Cities and the DCIS Foundation, will take place March 25–April 8, 2017, and includes a home stay; a service learning project in Brest, our Denver Sister City; and a few days in Paris. Please plan to attend an orientation and information session Tuesday, Nov. 29, 6:30 pm, Room 112. Open to high school students who are taking or have taken French. See Ms. Malnati for applications and more information. Information is also posted on the Travel Center bulletin boards.The cost of the trip will be about $1,000 plus spending money (after DCIS Foundation scholarship). APPLICATIONS ARE DUE NOV. 30. (Please note updated application deadline!)

This amazing five-month program for high school students culminates in a trip next summer to Palestine and Israel. NOTE: MTME will guarantee admission to the program to all DCIS students who apply in November! Feel free to speak to our DCIS MTME alums for a personal account of this life-changing program. Information and application are available here.    
If you are a high school student (preferably grades 10–12) interested in joining fellow DCIS students from Montbello on a journey to Cuba next summer (June 19-July 3, 2017), please email Geri Badler or stop by the Travel Center after fall break. In the email, please include the student's age, grade, level of Spanish (if any) and why this trip is of interest. The trip will cost approximately $3,300 and will include a service learning component. Click here for more information.
DCIS will once again host a group of eight Brazilian high school students who have earned a two-week cultural/language immersion trip to Denver with US Brazil Connect/Conexao Mundo! It will be our fifth year hosting this group, which has become a DCIS winter tradition. Students will be here for two weeks, from Feb. 25 to March 11, 2017. Hosting responsibilities include pick up upon arrival and departure, drop off at the airport, drop off at DCIS on weekday mornings, pick up weekday afternoons at a central spot near DCIS; provide a bed and welcoming environment (students can share a room if same sex); provide breakfasts and dinners during the week and all meals on the weekends, which each student spends with their host family. If you are interested in hosting, please email Geri Badler in the Travel Center with information on your family (ages and grades of your children; pets, etc.), and indicate whether you prefer to host a boy, a girl or either.

Since 2006, the Ulaanbaatar-Denver Sister Cities Committee, together with the Mongolian not-for-profit Zorig Foundation, has organized, run and funded the premier annual U.S.-Mongolia high school exchange program. Starting in 2016, the Luby-Jenkins School Exchange Program will be a limited open-application group exchange program, which at its core involves two-week exchange visits to each other's country. The program is designed for high school sophomores and juniors primarily from Denver and Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia and is designed to provide international and cross-cultural learning for students who are interested in leadership, political governance and democracy. The program consists of (1) pre-trip meetings and interactive discussions; (2) four weeks of international exchanges: two in Mongolia and two in Colorado; and (3) individual student post-trip projects applying and communicating what they have learned. Applications are now available at the Ulaanbaatar-Denver Sister Cities Committee's office at 1700 Broadway, Suite 1202, Denver 80290; by telephone at 303-832-6173; or by emailing Committee Program Liaison Kherlen Batbayar here. Apply by Dec. 15. More information here.

Adolesco Youth Exchange is hosting a cookie exchange ("Bring a dozen, take a dozen") on Sun., Dec. 11, 3–6 pm. RSVP here for directions. Please join us to discuss this amazing exchange opportunity for kids between 9 and 18! Adolesco Youth Exchange is a flexible and affordable not-for-profit program of three-week to three-month short-term language immersion and cultural family-to-family exchanges for kids (between 9 and 18) to learn French in France, German in Germany and Spanish in Spain — open to qualifying students in Colorado and the U.S. Apply NOW for 2017 and 2018 exchanges. Students will be matched in March and October 2017. Email Marie with any questions here


Geri Zabitz Badler
Travel Center and Community Partnerships
Office Phone: 720-423-9043

Mondays: 7:45 am–12:15 pm
Wednesdays, Fridays: 7:45 am–1:30 pm
Room 204

The answer to last week's question: "What is the closest living relative of T. Rex?" is the chicken! The winner of the $10 Starbucks gift card is 7th grade student Amelie Dean. 

This week's question: "Alejandro Amaya, Carlos Arruza, Jaime Bravo and Carmelo Torres are famous Mexican:"
A: Footballers
B: Musicians
C: Bullfighters
D: Competitive eaters

Submit your answer here. If you are correct, you will be entered into a drawing for a $10 Starbucks gift card!


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DCIS Facebook Page
DCIS Parents Group (closed, non-school-sanctioned) on Facebook
DCIS Drama Club Facebook 
DCIS Travel Center Facebook
DCIS Foundation Facebook
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