
Thursday, August 31, 2017

DCIS Connect Newsletter (Aug 31-Sept 6, 2017)

Weekly Newsletter for Parents, Staff and Students
August 31-September 6, 2017

(Leer en Español usar el traductor de Google aquí.)
Every Thursday while school is in session, you'll receive this DCIS Connect newsletter in your email inbox to keep you up to date on all the events and happenings at our school. It's also available on the DCIS Connect app, which you can download at the Apple Store or Google Play.

If you don't wish to receive the newsletter, click the Unsubscribe link at the end. If you're receiving multiple copies of the newsletter, please email to report the problem; be sure to indicate your first and last name and preferred email address so we can update our records.

Newsletter submissions are due by 10 am on the Tuesday preceding the issue date. Email submissions to


  • Labor Day — NO SCHOOL: Monday, Sept. 4
  • Parent-Principal Coffee: Wednesday, Sept. 6 (English), 8:15–9:15 am; Thursday, Sept. 7, 8:45–9:45 am (Espanol)



Dear DCIS Parents,

Happy Second Week of School! We are having a great week at DCIS. Students and staff are working hard and in good spirits every single day. What a joy it is to come to DCIS every day.

Thank you to everyone who came out for Taco Night last Friday. We had a great turnout of parents, students and staff, and, of course, we had some delicious food! Special thanks to all the parents who volunteered to set up, serve food and clean up. Our custodial staff was so grateful for your help.

Looking ahead, we are planning a great Back to School Night for all parents on Thursday, Sept. 14, 6–7:30 pm. Parents will start in the auditorium for a welcome and some general information from our administration team. Then you will move on to your child's advisement class to learn about how your child's adviser can support your child this year. In addition, you'll learn about grade checks in Infinite Campus (IC); DCIS requirements for school service, community service and special events; and much more! Finally, we will switch to an "Open House" format, during which you can walk around and meet/greet all your child's teachers.

Please note that there won't be time on this night for individual conferences. Later in the fall, we will have parent-teacher conferences, during which you can ask specific questions about your child's progress, needed support, successes and areas of growth. Look for more details about parent-teacher conferences later this fall.
In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you all at Back to School Night on Sept. 14.

Theresa McCorquodale
DCIS Principal

The PTSA is trying something new this year! Since DCIS families are spread all over the Denver metro region, we thought it would be nice to give DCIS parents a chance to get to know their neighbors at regional small-group socials at various parents' houses. Bilingual (Spanish-English) parents will be in attendance at each of these events, and we're aiming to have a DCIS administrator at each one too. Parents are welcome to attend any and all socials, not just the one in their area. Please join us on one or more of the following evenings:
  • Northwest: Sunday, Sept. 10, 6–8 pm, Edmond Horsey's home, 4540 Raleigh St., Denver. 
  • Northeast: Sunday, Sept. 17, 6–8 pm, Karen Mortimer's home, 2949 Lafayette St., Denver. 
  • Southwest: Friday, Sept. 22, 6–8 pm, Brent and Sarah Christian's home, 1249 S. Quivas St., Denver
  • Spanish-Speaking/Bilingual Parent Social: Saturday, Sept. 23, 4–7 pm, DawnMarie Gallardo's home,1005 Mariposa St., Denver. 
  • Southeast: Thursday, Sept. 28, 6–8 pm, Terri Porter's home, 117 S. Lincoln St., Denver. 
To RSVP for one or more of the socials, click here.
If you already paid for a DCIS T-shirt at registration and didn't receive the T-shirt, please stop by the main office to pick it up. 

We're looking for two parents to serve on the DCIS Collaborative School Committee (CSC) for the 2017-18 school year. The CSC comprises parent, staff and student representatives who work on the school improvement plan, evaluate school data, provide strategic direction for DCIS, and provide guidance on and evaluation of the school budget. Meetings take place monthly, and representatives serve two-year terms. Nominations are open until Wednesday, Sept. 6. Parents of students at all grade levels are welcome! Please email parent member Karen Herbert ( with your name, email and description of your interest in being part of the CSC. We'll contact you with further details. If you'd like more information about the CSC, please visit the CSC webpage, and reach out to current parent representatives Orah Fireman, Karen Herbert, Mateo Pardo and Tanya Tribelhorn.

The PTSA Fundraising and Events Committee will have its first meeting of the school year on Thursday, Sept. 7, 6–7:30 pm in the DCIS Community Room (103). We look forward to meeting new committee members! Snacks provided.

Thursday, Sept. 14, 5:30-6 pm, meet at the PTSA table before Back to School Night. Call or text Marie at 303-913-4845 to RSVP, or send her an email. Click here for the CEI welcome letter.

All theater fans! Caroline Kerswill is organizing a trip to New York City for summer 2018. There will be a preliminary informational meeting, Monday, Sept. 18, at 5:30 pm in the auditorium.

Youth in Action (YIA) is a local nonprofit organization that helps Denver-area teens become hardworking, responsible leaders. The program includes Japanese language and culture study, community service and fundraising, culminating in a month-long cultural exchange trip to Japan in June 2019. Open to students grades 6-12. Interested students and parents should attend the informational meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 19, 7 pm, at Highlands Methodist Church, 3131 Osceola St., Denver. To find out more about this dynamic group and how to apply, please call JoAnne Harada at 720-217-2160, email her or visit the YIA website.

Adolesco Youth Exchange is a flexible and affordable nonprofit program that facilitates short-term family-to-family exchanges to France, Germany and Spain for qualifying U.S. students ages 9–18. Applications are due by Tuesday, Oct. 31. Start by submitting the free pre-application (available here). Find upcoming informational events in your area here. Sign up for the Adolesco newsletter here. Call Marie Meyer, Exchange Coordinator, at 303-913-4845 or email her for more info.

Open your home to a Brazilian student this Thanksgiving! US-Brazil Connect is looking for 10-12 host families for a two-week exchange with exceptional Brazilian high school students. This life-changing opportunity enables these students to see snow for the first time and experience the uniquely American tradition of Thanksgiving, as well as any other family traditions or activities you'd like to share with them! In return, you'll learn about life in the recent Olympic host country, and build a relationship that will last a lifetime. The visit will be Nov. 18-Dec. 2. Check out this website, or email for more information.

Know about other after-school or extracurricular opportunities for DCIS students? Email us and we'll include them in this section next week!

Check out this fantastic, FREE, after-school opportunity, right in our neighborhood! The MSU Denver Center for Visual Arts offers studio time and exhibitions:

Young Artists Studio: Free hands-on workshops for youth ages 11-21 
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30–5:30 pm
 (new days and times)
An inclusive and diverse community, we welcome youth from throughout the metro area who are interested in learning a variety of media and exploring contemporary themes through art. In the studio we practice the skills and self-efficacy of creative leaders and encourage each other to make great original work. Exhibitions at the CVA inspire the themes, media and cultures explored in the workshops. Participants may drop-in or register on-line. More information and session dates available here.

The studio is located at 965 Santa Fe Drive, about a 15-minute walk from the school. If you're interested in your student being part of a buddy system to walk over there after school, please email Mili Sandoval, DCIS parent of a 6th grader.

Visit the CVA to see spectacular exhibitions during First and Third Friday art walks, public events and programs for youth and families. Immersive tours and hands-on workshops for students, educators, families and community groups encourage curiosity, playfulness and creativity. Please register to bring a community group or class to visit our gallery.


DCIS Website
DCIS Facebook Page
DCIS Parents Group (closed, non-school-sanctioned) on Facebook
DCIS Drama Club Facebook 
DCIS Travel Center Facebook
DCIS Foundation Facebook
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Saturday, August 26, 2017

Collaborative School Committee Needs Parent Representatives

Collaborative School Committee Needs Parent Representatives!

We're looking for two parents to serve on the DCIS Collaborative School Committee (CSC) for the 2017-18 school year. The CSC is comprised of parent, staff, and student representatives who work on the school improvement plan, evaluate school data, provide strategic direction for DCIS, and provide guidance and evaluation of the school budget. Meetings take place monthly and representatives serve two-year terms. Nominations are open until Wednesday, September 6. Parents of students at all grade levels are welcome! Please send an email to parent member Karen Herbert ( with your name, email, and description of your interest in being part of the CSC. We'll contact you with further details. If you'd like more information about the CSC, please visit the CSC webpage and reach out to current parent representatives Orah Fireman, Karen Herbert, Mateo Pardo, and Tanya Tribelhorn.
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Denver, CO 80204

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