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Every Thursday, you'll receive this DCIS Connect newsletter in your email inbox to keep you up to date on all the events and happenings at our school. It's also available on the DCIS Connect app, which you can download at the Apple Store or Google Play.
If you don't wish to receive the newsletter, click the Unsubscribe link at the end. If you're receiving multiple copies of the newsletter, please email dcis.connect@gmail.com to report the problem; be sure to indicate your name and preferred email address so we can update our records.
Newsletter submissions are due by 10 am on the Tuesday preceding the issue date. Email submissions to dcis.connect@gmail.com.
MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS SOFTBALLPRACTICE: Tuesday, Sept. 6, and Thursday, Sept. 8, 3:30–5 pm
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT! Tuesday, Sept. 13. Click herefor details.
2017 SPRING BREAK LONDON TRIP PARENT MEETING for 8th–12th graders: Wednesday, Sept. 14, 6 pm, DCIS auditorium. Contact caroline_kerswill@dpsk12.org for more info.
DCIS FAMILY NIGHT: Tuesday, Sept. 20, DCIS Community Room (103), 5:30–6 pm, dinner; 6–7:30 pm, presentation: Travel and Cultural Enrichment Opportunities with DCIS Travel Center Director Geri Badler and PTSA Cultural Enrichment Team Lead Sara Murphy.
ADOLESCOYOUTH EXCHANGE MEETING: Sunday, Oct. 9, 2–4 pm; applications due Oct. 23. More info here.
Dear DCIS Families,
After an exciting and positive first week of school, filled with new learning, we are well into our second week and going strong! We are very happy to welcome several new staff members this year, who already have made an impact on our students. Their energy is inspiring. And of course we were delighted to welcome back our returning teachers, whose enthusiasm for their work helps make our school what it is. Most important, we are grateful for each and every DCIS student, new and returning. It's going to be a great year.
The counselors have been doing all they can to make every student's schedule work, and we are very close to reaching that goal. Thanks to students and parents for their patience as we try to balance student needs and wants with the master schedule grid. Many students received elective classes based on what worked with their schedule, and not necessarily what they originally selected. Yet so far, due to our amazing students and our super dedicated electives teachers, most students seem happy. Our school really is a special place.
Part of what makes it so is our robust and hardworking Parent, Teacher, Student Association (PTSA), which does so much for our school. If you haven't had a chance to join PTSA yet, please do. Look for emails coming from PTSA about meeting dates, ways to get involved and much more.
Have a great week! Theresa McCorquodale
Our school day begins at 7:50, and not at 7:55 like last year. Students should arrive no later than 7:45 in order to make it to their first class on time. Thank you for your assistance with this.
Please do not drop off or pick up students in the parking lot on Delaware. We have to limit car traffic in the parking lot in order to keep our students as safe as possible. Drop off and pick up spots are on the street along Delaware or Fox.
If you need to pick up your child during the day, please know that for security reasons, you must come into the office and show us your photo ID. We cannot have students waiting in the office or outside for you to arrive. We will call your child out of class as soon as you arrive so that it should not take more than 5 minutes for you to pick up your child. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
The DCIS Collaborative School Committee (CSC) is seeking parent members! The group meets once per month for about 2 hours, with more frequent meetings during the budget cycle in January/February and as needed if other issues arise. Parent members are asked to commit to a term of 2 years. The DCIS CSC is a group made up of parent, student, teacher and community representatives who, together with the principal, make decisions impacting the educational goals and direction of the school. In order to continue to provide the best possible education to our students, we need parents to become involved and help voice their opinions on key topics. More information about the CSC and ballot application here. Applications for one of the two open parent spots need to be emailed to dcis.connect@gmail.com no later than Sept. 7, 2016, at noon.
DCIS FOUNDATION INTERNSHIP OPPORTUNITY Fall/Winter 2016 (Sept. 19–Dec. 31) 8–10 hours per week $8.50 per hour
Applications due by Monday, Sept. 5.
This fall, the DCIS Foundation is looking to hire interns to help with the day-to-day tasks of running a nonprofit. Two students will be hired, one from DCIS Baker and one from DCIS Montbello. Both students will be expected to work autonomously with little oversight. This is an ideal position for someone who is detail-oriented, able to communicate effectively via email and phone and results-driven. Read more here. Download application here.
SOFTBALL (Middle School Girls) Want to play softball? Join us for practice on the DCIS field on:
Sept. 6, 3:30-5:00 pm
Sept. 8, 3:30-5:00 pm
A completed physical form by a student's doctor or local clinic is required prior to participation. Forms are required for all DPS sports, and can be accessed by clicking:
Completed forms can be turned in at practice or emailed to Coach Lineman at Jane_Lineman@dpsk12.org. Don't hesitate to reach out with questions. It's going to be an exciting season ... come out and join us!
MAKE ART! The Young Artist Studio is the free after-school activated space at the Center for Visual Art (open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 4-5:30 pm). Located in the Art District at 965 Santa Fe Drive, this off-campus Metropolitan State University of Denver gallery offers access to contemporary art, high-quality materials and instruction, and a space just for young artists. Additional information and registration here.
This fall, the Denver Public Schools Board of Education is putting an initiative on the ballot seeking voter approval of bond and mill levy proposals to increase funding for our schools. This bond includes funds for DCIS! Click here to read a letter addressing common questions about what this might mean for your family and your community and here for DPS resource page. En Espanol.
We'd like to welcome and introduce the three new staff members in the counseling office this year.
Tami Schmidt is the new counselor at DCIS, but she's in her 15th year as a school counselor. Shayna Seitchik is the postsecondary coach who will work with DCIS seniors on Tuesdays and Wednesdays on the college application process. Chrissy Cloyes is a graduate-level intern for the DCIS counseling program.
We've moved! The Travel Center is now located in room 204. But our services are the same: help with finding appropriate travel opportunities, facilitate exchanges, provide support for our DCIS exchange students, offer short-term hosting opportunities and promote all things global!
New Hours of Operation
Mondays: 7:45 am–12:15 pm
Wednesdays, Fridays: 7:45 am–1:30 pm
Stop by or make an appointment to "talk travel"!
Be sure to check the Travel Center page on the DCIS website for up-to-date information on school trips, travel scholarship opportunities, US State Department Programs (full stipend!), Lunchtime Information Sessions, and more. Please "Like" the DCIS Travel Center Facebook page for information, photos, student travel, as well as interesting tips and facts about travel!
INTERESTED IN HOSTING A STUDENT FROM CHINA? AFS-USA is looking for a family to host Haihuai, a 16-year-old young man from China whose favorite subject is economics. He describes himself as independent, outgoing, studious and nonreligious. He plays the saxophone and enjoys various sports, music and photography. For more information, contact Ellen Bernstein, AFS-USA, 646-381-3387 or ebernstein@afsusa.org.
The answer to last week's Phoenix Fun question: What is the favorite vegetable of Mr. Munoz? It's Brussels sprouts! And the winner of the $10 Starbucks gift card is Naomi Fireman Schiavoni!
This week's question: What is Mr. Giardiello's favorite rock-and-roll band?
A: Led Zeppelin B: Pink Floyd C: Bon Jovi D: The Grateful Dead
To submit your answer and enter the contest, click here.
(Leer en Español usar el traductor de Google aquí.)
Welcome to the 2016–2017 school year! Every Thursday, you'll receive this DCIS Connect newsletter in your email inbox to keep you up to date on all the events and happenings at our school. It's also available on the DCIS Connect app, which you can download at the Apple Store or Google Play.
If you don't wish to receive the newsletter, click the Unsubscribe link at the end. If you're receiving multiple copies of the newsletter, please email dcis.connect@gmail.com to report the problem; be sure to indicate your name and preferred email address so we can update our records.
Newsletter submissions are due by 10 am on the Tuesday preceding the issue date. Email submissions to dcis.connect@gmail.com.
FREE PIZZA! DCIS students, faculty and staff: Dine in at Pizzeria Locale, 550 Broadway, on Saturday, Aug. 27, 11 am–10 pm, and get one free pizza or other menu item when you show your school ID or the flyer found here.
DCIS TRAVEL CENTER opens Monday, Aug. 29.
PTSA LEADERSHIP DINNER: Sunday, Aug. 28, 5:30–7:30 pm. Want to meet other parents and learn about leadership opportunities? Find out more and RSVP here.
DCIS CONNECT COMMUNICATIONS TEAM MEETING, Tuesday, Aug. 30, Racine's, 650 Sherman St., Denver, 6–8 pm. Anyone interested in supporting and expanding communications at DCIS is welcome. RSVP here.
BACK TO SCHOOL NIGHT! Tuesday, Sept. 13. More details soon!
2017 SPRING BREAK LONDON TRIP PARENT MEETING for 8th–12th graders: Wednesday, Sept. 14, 6 pm, DCIS auditorium. Contact caroline_kerswill@dpsk12.org for more info.
MIDDLE SCHOOL GIRLS SOFTBALLPRACTICE: Tuesday, Sept. 6, and Thursday, Sept. 8, 3:30–5 pm
DCIS FAMILY NIGHT: Tuesday, Sept. 20. Details in next week's newsletter.
RAISE YOUR HAND ... Advocate…helper…collaborator…humanitarian…philanthropist…influencer…leader…supporter… If any of these words describe you or what you aspire to be, DCIS has some wonderful and fulfilling ways for you to be involved. To "raise your hand," click on the appropriate link below, and the PTSA will add you to the mix:
Want to become a PTSA member by paying dues online? Annual dues are $10 for adults, $5 for students. (Please put the name of the member(s) in the Purpose field.) Click here to pay for your membership.
SOFTBALL (Middle School Girls) Want to play softball? Join us for practice on the DCIS field on:
Sept. 6, 3:30-5:00 pm
Sept. 8, 3:30-5:00 pm
A completed physical form by a student's doctor or local clinic is required prior to participation. Forms are required for all DPS sports, and can be accessed by clicking:
Completed forms can be turned in at practice or emailed to Coach Lineman at Jane_Lineman@dpsk12.org. Don't hesitate to reach out with questions. It's going to be an exciting season ... come out and join us! MAKE ART! The Young Artist Studio is the free after-school activated space at the Center for Visual Art (open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, 4-5:30 pm). Located in the Art District at 965 Santa Fe Drive, this off-campus Metropolitan State University of Denver gallery offers access to contemporary art, high-quality materials and instruction, and a space just for young artists. Additional information and registration here.
Our sincerest thanks to James, Brennon and the rest of the custodial staff for their collaboration in getting our school ready for the new year, which included lots of moving, debris removal, cleaning and polishing, and assisting with the School Beautification Team on its various projects.
Nominate Someone for a Shout-Out
If you see a student, staff or family member demonstrating one or more of the DCIS Phoenix values (integrity, high expectations, diversity, collaborative culture, reflection), consider nominating them for a Shout-Out in our next newsletter. Send an email to dcis.connect@gmail.com indicating the person's name, what they did, what Phoenix value that demonstrates and your name. Feel free to include a photo too! You can also nominate via the DCIS Connect app under Submit>Shout Out.
We've moved! The Travel Center is now located in room 204. But our services are the same: help with finding appropriate travel opportunities, facilitate exchanges, provide support for our DCIS exchange students, offer short-term hosting opportunities and promote all things global!
New Hours of Operation
Mondays: 7:45 am–12:15 pm
Wednesdays, Fridays: 7:45 am–1:30 pm
Stop by or make an appointment to "talk travel"!
Be sure to check the Travel Center page on the DCIS website for up-to-date information on school trips, travel scholarship opportunities, US State Department Programs (full stipend!), Lunchtime Information Sessions, and more. Please "Like" the DCIS Travel Center Facebook page for information, photos, student travel, as well as interesting tips and facts about travel!
SUMMER IN EUROPE? START HERE: Adolesco Youth Exchange is a flexible and affordable not-for-profit program of 3-week to 3-month short-term language immersion and cultural exchanges for children and teens (between 9 and 17) to learn French in France, German in Germany and Spanish in Spain. Open to qualifying English-speaking students in Colorado and the US. Information meeting on Sunday, Oct. 9, 2–4 pm (Sam Gary Library, Stapleton: 2961 Roslyn St., Denver, CO 80238). Everyone welcome. RSVP here.
Sign up for our newsletter here or start your adventure by applying here. Applications due by Sunday, Oct. 23. Learn more at Adolesco's website.
Host families are needed to accommodate Yamagata Prefecture College of Agriculture (YPCA) students for a weekend. Sept. 2–5 (Friday evening through Monday morning)
Are you interested in:
Welcoming Japanese college students (ages 19–21) into your home?
Sharing your life and talking about American culture?
Enjoying your weekend with visitors?
Making friends with young people from Japan?
Then please consider hosting 2 students per family (they can share a room). You would need to pick them up and drop them off at a designated meeting point in Denver and provide 3 meals a day, and would receive a $200 stipend (2 students/3 nights). For more information about hosting, please contact Yumi or Maki at MEM Travel, Inc., 303-295-1300 or memworld@msn.com.
Students, parents and staff: Submit your best guess to the question below. All correct answers will be entered into a drawing for a $10 Starbucks gift card! The winner will be announced in next week's DCIS Connect newsletter.
The favorite vegetable of Mr. Muñoz, DCIS social studies teacher, is:
A. Brussels sprouts B. Corn on the cob C. Nopales (cactus) D. Tomatoes
To submit your answer and enter the contest, click here.
DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL. Please send questions or comments to dcis.connect@gmail.com.