Monday, March 21, 2016
Senior Graduation - June 1, 2016
Thursday, March 17, 2016
Parents: Please Take the Lunchtime Survey!
To give DCIS teachers the standard two planning periods (rather than the one they currently have), the school will transition to a 7-period schedule next school year. The school day is scheduled to be from 7:50 am to 2:55 pm.
With the new bell schedule, we have two options for the lunch periods on Tuesday-Friday (Green & Blue Days). Lunch on Mondays (White Days) will be 11:25 am-12:10 pm.
With the early lunch option (10:55-11:45 am), students would have two classes before and two classes after lunch. With the late lunch option (12:30-1:20 pm), students would have three classes before and one class after lunch.
Students and teachers have already voted, and now we're asking parents for their opinions. If you feel strongly about either option, now is the time to make your voice heard! To take the survey: Click the Lunchtime Survey icon on the home page banner or access it under Meals on the menu.
Option One - Early Lunch
Balance in the school day: two classes, then lunch, then two classes
Shorter time between the start of school at 7:50 and lunch at 10:55
Lunch is early at 10:55
Two classes after lunch, instead of just one, means that students who have an off period at the end of the day—for jobs, internships, CCD classes, etc.—can’t leave at lunch. Instead they have to stay for lunch, attend one more class and then leave, which can limit some opportunities. Also, many teachers prefer only one class after lunch because students tend to be more focused before lunch and a bit less focused after lunch.
Option Two - Late Lunch
Students who have an off period at the end of the day can leave at lunch, which gives them more time to get to their college classes/jobs/internships, etc.
Only one class after lunch. Many teachers prefer this because students tend to be more focused before lunch and a bit less focused after lunch.
Lunch is very late at 12:30, which means there is a 4½ hour gap between when school begins at 7:50 and lunch at 12:30. This is a very long time without eating, especially for our middle school students.
Monday, March 14, 2016
Invitation to Judge Student MUN Global Issues Summit
Hello DCIS Parents!
Would you like to help students get engaged with current events? Here's a chance for you to make a difference by giving time to judge for the 8th Grade Global Issues Summit at Denver Center for International Studies! 120 students will be participating in this mock United Nations style event that will be held over two days Thursday, March 24 and Friday, March 25, 2016. Students have been preparing all year to represent their selected country using parliamentary procedure to debate and negotiate resolutions. The topics for the summit include major world issues and were selected by the students. Each student will play the role of an ambassador from a country and debate the topic from that country's point of view.
The Topics on the Docket in Two Councils:
§ Zika Virus Response
§ Biodiversity and Endangered Species
§ Climate Change and Renewable Energy
§ Refugee Crisis
§ Education for All
We need adult judges to observe the debate, score the students, and provide feedback on how the students can improve and what they did best. You would need to commit to being present ideally from 8:30-2:55. However, if you can only be there part of the time or just one of the days, I am still interested in your service.
No previous experience is needed. You all are very well qualified already, especially if you keep up on world events and like to encourage young people. You'll likely be amazed at the level of debate the students demonstrate and how professional they look in their western style business attire. We will have training documents available online.
We are looking forward to this summit at our school and expect it to be a successful one, with lively debate and engaged students. Would you consider adding your time and talents to making our summit one of the highest quality? If so, please email with your interest level. I look forward to hearing back from you.
Darlene Rivera, Teacher
Denver Center for International Studies
574 West 6th Ave
Denver, CO 80204
(720) 423-9073
Sunday, March 13, 2016
March PTSA Meeting Reminder
The PTSA meets this Tuesday, March 15, 5:30-7:00 in the MUN room. Dinner will be served, and simultaneous Spanish translation will be provided. We’ll spend most of the time talking in teams about plans for upcoming activities, initiatives, events, etc. We need your ideas, energy and involvement to help make DCIS the best it can be.
Our teams are Communications, Events, Fundraising, School Beautification, and School Help. Come find out what they’re all about on Tuesday and join in the fun!
If you’re on or interested in joining the School Beautification team but can’t make the meeting Tuesday night, the team will be touring the building and grounds on Tuesday at 8 a.m. and 12:15 p.m. (starting in the lunchroom) to explore project ideas.
Email with any questions or to let us know you’d like to be involved but can’t make Tuesday’s meeting.
Hope to see you there!
Friday, March 11, 2016
Summer Academy Dates for Incoming 6th and 9th Grade Students
Would you like to host a foreign exchange student in 2016-17?
AFS USA is seeking host families that would like this interesting and rewarding experience.
AFS families commit to accept their students as a family member, providing a bed (that can be in a shared bedroom with a same gender host sibling close in age), three daily meals, transportation to school, and most important, providing a caring family environment for them.
If you are interested in hosting a student please contact Claudia Thomas at